On 8th Nov, together with Shanghai Sunrise, Sino Art Space opened "Silent Message" my charity solo exhibition. An auction was held to raise money for Shanghai Sunrise and comment on the ever changing world.
We were delighted at the turnout and the ever thankful to those that participated in the auction. The auction held about 100 people one of whom was a young boy who was our youngest bidder to date. The Exhibition remains open to the public until 5th December 2020. Artwork is still on sale and donations to Shanghai Sunrise welcome.
This exhibition is my response to the message I believe nature is sending us. Nature has a way of talking to us and asking us to pay attention. Through my works, I am echoing her message to the world. I am not only bringing our attention to the beauty of this world but also encourage mankind to follow her guidelines to maintain and protect this world we get to call home. It is only by doing so, that humanity will be able to pursue an enjoyable and pleasant life now and in future generations.
The exhibition consists of 4 parts; Dialogue, Jewel Box, Crystal Libra and Yellow Treasure.
Dialogue, the first of the 4 part series. It consists of 4 vibrant coloured pieces which symbolize the elements that are the building blocks of all that is created. These symbols that are at the centre of every cosmo-theory. When these elements are placed in the right sequence – thus in balance - they produce a harmonic dialogue amongst themselves and with the universe. External forces may disturb this dialogue, resulting, for example, in natural disasters.
Jewel Box
Jewel Box, the second of the 4 part series, consists of 4 striking images. Through a powerful geological event, Mother Nature opened her jewel box unveiling magnificent colour formations. This rich source of minerals is the substance of our wellbeing. While in DIALOGUE colours are symbolic, here colours are real.
Crystal Libra
This 4 piece series, Crystal Libra, focuses on ice and the significant role it plays in maintaining the Earth’s energy balance and helping to keep Polar Regions cool. New studies show that the more reflective the surface – such as ice – the more sun’s energy is reflected and the cooler the temperature. When ice melts, less energy is reflected and temperature increases.
Yellow Treasure
The last section of Silent message is Yellow Treasure, a series comprised of 3 pieces. In literature and in legend, deserts are often described as hostile places to avoid yet they are far anything but empty and lifeless. Deserts are home to a variety of rare plants, animals, and other organisms. Rich mineral resources are found chiefly in deserts and some are even unique to such places.
Thanks everyone for coming to support art and charity , it was an extraordinary afternoon and successful fundraising event.
All proceeds from the auction and sales during the exhibition will be donated to Shanghai Sunrise to help create access to education for underprivileged Shanghai youth. In a small side exhibition, visitors can learn more about our cause and read moving success stories of former students sponsored by our local charity.