Silent Message” Successfully Raises Funds for Education



On December 5th, Astrid Krehan’s solo exhibition “Silent Message” successfully closed with over RMB 215,000 raised through the auction and sale of the displayed artworks. All proceeds from the exhibition, which opened on November 8th, will be generously donated to Shanghai Sunrise to help create access to education for underprivileged Shanghai youth.

12⽉5⽇,艺术家Astrid Krehan的慈善个展《静默之声》成功闭幕,并通过拍卖和售卖展览艺术品筹集⼈⺠币215,000。⾃11⽉8⽇开幕以来展览所得的收益都将捐赠给上海初阳,⽤来帮助上海贫困⻘年创造教育 机会。

In “Silent Message”, Astrid shares her perceptions of nature in a special way and uses her own abstract techniques. Her images raise awareness of the beauty of the planet as the omnipresent source of life, and serve as a message to maintain and protect nature for what it is: a treasure.

Astrid通过《静默之声》展览述说了她对⾃然的独特认知,并使⽤⾃⼰特有的抽象技术进⾏了⼆次创作。通过这些影像,她不仅想提⾼⼈们对地球⽆处不在的⽣命之美的认识,并遵循⾃然的指导来维持和保护它 珍贵的⽣命。

Astrid, a long-time platinum sponsor of Shanghai Sunrise, was able to combine her work and passion for education through this latest series. Two days before the charity exhibition closed, Astrid shared her thoughts behind “Silent Message” in a conversation with art critic Shirley Zhao Tempus on the Artist Talk:

Astrid是上海初阳的⻓期赞助者,通过这⼀最新系列表达她对艺术和教育的热情。在展览闭幕两天前,Astrid在艺术家分享会上与艺术评论家Shirley Zhao Tempus⼀起,探讨了《静默之声》背后想要传达的 信息:

" This exhibition was very special as it enabled me to highlight two important causes. My images were able to help children in need and send a SILENT MESSAGE to the world to protect and maintain our future on this planet. "

“ 这个展览对我来说⾮常特别, 因为它同时聚焦于两件事. 我的作品能够帮助需要的孩⼦. 也能同时向世


– Astrid Krehan, Artist 艺术家

Indeed, while many of us associate Shanghai with glamour and luxury, it’s easy to overlook that some people are not able to afford higher education to prepare for their future. Shanghai Sunrise will be able to support many students through ongoing programs, such as career day, and direct scholarships due to Astrid’s generosity.

确实,当我们很多⼈把上海这座都市与繁华联系起来的时候,往往很容易忽略有些⼈仍旧⽆法负担⾼等教 育,为他们的未来做好准备。上海初阳通过持续的项⽬⻓期帮助这些学⽣,例如职业培训⽇,或来⾃于 Astrid慷慨捐赠的奖学⾦。

This event would not have been possible without the support of our partners and sponsors including Sino Art Space, who provided the gallery space and curation, St James Place, a long time SHSR supporter, Florentia Village, Tomatito, Asian Tigers, Shanghai Ling Ding Auction Co.Ltd., and Artscape.

这次活动的成功举办受到了我们合作伙伴和赞助商的⼤⼒⽀持,包括华⼈营造美术馆、为展览提供了场地 并策展,上海初阳的⻓期赞助商St. James's Place、佛罗伦萨⼩镇、TOMATITO、ASIAN TIGERS、上海灵鼎拍卖有限公司以及万博艺术。

“The exhibition is a great achievement with tremendous support from everyone. We want to thank Astrid for her incredible ongoing contribution to our organization as well as all the sponsors and everyone on the team who made this event a great success."ors and everyone on the team who made this event a great success.”


- Yulia Yan
Executive Director of Shanghai Sunrise

On behalf of everyone at Shanghai Sunrise, we want to thank Astrid and all of the sponsors, the project team and our volunteers for their ongoing and incredibly generous support for our organization.

代表上海初阳的每个⼈,我们想在此感谢Astrid和所有赞助商,项⽬团队,以及我们的志愿者们,感谢⼤ 家对我们组织⻓期以来的慷慨相助和⽀持。

赞助商和合作伙伴† Sponsors&Partners

艺术家介绍 About the Artist


Astrid Krehan出⽣于德国纽伦堡,她的原创作品将现代空间和物象转换为⾼度饱和的彩⾊图像。Astrid ⾃2014年以来⼯作、⽣活于上海。⽆论是⽤镜头捕捉乡村的宁静,还是展现城市的活⼒⽓息,她流畅的 系列作品常常近乎抽象。Astrid跟随著名摄影记者Scott Davis学习,前往偏远的⽬的地磨练⾃⼰的技 能,随后完善了⾃⼰的视觉与概念,这通过她在光影与质感的打磨中表现出来的。她的影像打印在⾼质 量的哈内姆勒美术纸上,该纸上涂有Plexiglas®丙烯酸表⾯安装在铝背衬上。作为⼀名⾃然科学博⼠, Astrid的作品展现出她对世界万物的慈悲、富含同情⼼的感悟。

Born in Nuremberg, Germany, Astrid Krehan’s original works convert modern-day spaces and objects into highly saturated color images. Her fluid series often verges on the abstract, whether capturing the tranquility of the rural countryside or the vibrant aura of major cities like Shanghai, where Astrid has lived and worked since 2014. Astrid studied with renowned photojournalist Scott Davis, traveling to remote destinations to hone her skills and subsequently refining her own visual and conceptual vocabulary, which emerges through her play with light and texture. Her images are printed on high quality Hahnemühle Fine Art Paper, coated with Plexiglas® acrylic face mounting on aluminum backing. A doctor of natural sciences, Astrid’s photograph’s reveal a compassionate understanding of the living world.

她的当代中国系列精选作品分别于2017年、2018年和2019年作为个展在上海展出,并在2018上海摄 影艺术博览会期间展出。Astrid最新参与了上海ArtCN画廊的“熵”展览。她的全部作品请⻅个⼈⽹站

Selections of her contemporary China series have been exhibited in 2017, 2018 and 2019 in Shanghai as solo exhibits and during the 2018 Shanghai Photofair. Astrid Krehan has recently participated in the exhibition “Entropy” at ArtCN gallery in Shanghai. All of her work can be found at

"Silent Message" Project Team

项⽬协调 Project Coordinator: Monica Bonini
艺术策展 Art Curators: Ivy Yang, Yifan Wei
执⾏制作 Executive Producer: Cici Tang
平⾯设计Event operation: Karen Feng


