ArtCN荣幸宣布将携多件来自艺术家Astrid Krehan, Damien Dufresne, 冯晨和Michel Temman的精选作品参加第七届影像上海博览会。我们将在A10展位期待您的莅临!
ArtCN is pleased to announce our participation in PHOTOFAIRS SHANGHAI 2021, featuring works by Astrid Krehan, Damien Dufresne, Feng Chen(冯晨) and Michel Temman. We look forward to welcoming you at booth A10.
贵宾预览 VIP Preview
2021.11.03 14:00 - 20:00
2021.11.04 14:00 - 21:00
公众开放日 Public Days
2021.11.05 14:00 - 21:00
2021.11.06 11:00 - 18:00
特别活动 Special Event
Astrid Krehan "∞" booksigning
Astrid Krehan 新书《无限》现场签售
2021.11.04 15:30 - 16:00
上海展览中心, 延安中路1000号, 近铜仁路
Shanghai Exhibition Center, 1000 Yan'an Road, near Tongren Road
空 V, 哈内姆勒艺术纸印于铝塑板,覆亚克力板, 90 x 90 厘米, 2021
Hollow V, Printed on Hahnemühle Fine Art Paper, Plexiglas® acrylic face mounted, aluminium backing, 90 X 90 cm, 2021
阿斯特丽德·克瑞恩出生于德国纽伦堡。在原创作品中,她将现代空间和物体转换成高度饱和的彩色图像。自2014年以来,阿斯特丽德一直在上海生活和工作。无论是捕捉乡村的宁静,还是捕捉上海这样的大城市的活力气息,她流畅的系列作品往往近乎抽象。身为一名自然科学博士,阿斯特丽德的作品展现出她对世间万物富含悲悯的理解。自2017年起,她的当代中国系列精选作品定期在上海展出,同时也与十二Gallery和ArtCN画廊一起展出于2018年和2021年的影像上海艺术博览会 。
她2020年的系列作品"熵"和"静默之声"分别在上海ArtCN画廊、华人营造美术馆以及2021年上海首届外滩BFC艺术季(由ArtCN画廊呈现)以个展和群展的形式展出。在她最近的展览, "从一朵云,到另一朵云"(浙江嘉兴荻原美术馆双个展)中,她与中国艺术家陈春妃展开了一场跨越地域和文化边界的艺术对话。
Born in Nuremberg, Germany, Astrid Krehan’s original works convert modern-day spaces and objects into highly saturated color images. Her flowing series often verges on the abstract, whether capturing the tranquility of the rural countryside or the vibrant aura of major cities like Shanghai, where Astrid has lived and worked since 2014. A doctor of natural sciences, Astrid reveals a compassionate understanding of the living world. Her contemporary China series have been regularly exhibited in Shanghai since 2017 and at PHOTOFAIRS, Shanghai in 2018 with Gallery 12 and this year 2021 with ArtCN Gallery.
Her 2020 series "熵 ENTROPY" and "静默之声 SILENT MESSAGE" have been exhibited at ArtCN Gallery, Sino Art Space and the 2021 BFC ART FESTIVAL both in solo and group exhibitions. In her recent exhibition "从一朵云,到另一朵云 FROM ONE CLOUD TO ANOTHER" a dual exhibition at Diyuan Art Gallery in Jiaxing, Zhejiang, she cooperated with Chinese artist 陈春妃Chen Chunfei (Kunga) in an artistic dialogue that crossed geographical and cultural boundaries.