阿斯特丽德·克瑞恩Astrid Krehan x 陈春妃Kunga Chen, 双个展Dual Exhibition
‘The essence of education means that one tree shakes another, one cloud pushes another, one soul awakens another
—— Karl Theodor Jaspers, What is Education
“从一朵云,到另一朵云”是德国艺术家阿斯特丽德·克瑞恩(Astrid Krehan)与中国艺术家陈春妃之间,一次跨越地域与文化的隔空对话。云朵,是天空中的精灵,是柔软、细腻、轻盈的代名词,亦喻指两位中外当代女性艺术家自由随性、变幻莫测的艺术风格
"From One Cloud to Another" is a dialogue between German artist Astrid Krehan and Chinese artist Chen Chunfei (Kunga) which crosses geographical and cultural boundaries. Clouds, the fairies in the sky, are synonymous with softness, delicacy and lightness, and also refer to the free and varied artistic styles of two contemporary female artists of China and abroad.
Diyuan Curatorial Team has taken the “driving force of aesthetic education” as the starting point and combined it with the unique exhibition space design of the art museum to create a three-dimensional audio-visual feast where 'two clouds' collide. The aim is to demonstrate the process of self-healing through abstract artistic expression by Chinese and foreign female artists, to help the public cultivate a sense of beauty in an environment of uncertainty, and to find their own unique way of regulating emotions and casting feelings
拱 ARCH - Astrid Krehan
桌TABLE-Astrid Krehan
墙 Wall – Astrid Krehan
煤 Coal – Astrid Krehan
映REFLECTION - Astrid Krehan
天窗Sun Roof -Astrid Krehan
萼 Calyx- Astrid Krehan
春Spring – Astrid Krehan
轨Rails – Astrid Krehan
珐琅 Stained Glass – Astrid Krehan
叶 Leaf -Astrid Krehan
锁 Lock – Astrid Krehan
云的回声 Echoes of the Clouds
By receiving silent but forceful messages from the outside world, the texture and colour are echoes between the creator and the objects. The still images convey the pattern formed by the clouds, the lake and the mountains, which interchange the mind with a visual balance, and thus a harmonious dialogue is generated in between them. A dual pendulum movement beneath this collision of dialogue and ideas achieves a continuous reverberation, which creates an artistic bond that transcends language and continues to grow into a link in reality.
对白II DIALOGUE II – Astrid Krehan
大漠之珍 VIV Yellow Treasure VIV – Astrid Krehan
锦绣之匣 VIII JEWEL BOX VIII - Astrid Krehan
锦绣之匣 VI JEWEL BOX VI - Astrid Krehan
云的自愈 The Self-healing of the Clouds
When the unexpected and the unknown disrupt the orderly life, uncertainty, anxiety, confusion and even fear arise. The human being itself becomes the targeted object, thus creating the illusion of a blurred reality and the struggle of being trapped in a cage, which requires finding a way to live with the ‘unknown’ through time and by relying on its own energies. Then why not revel in the illusion of the unknown, to keep filling your heart, revealing constant flow of emotions and trying to heal yourself?
乱 IV Disorder IV- Astrid Krehan
乱VIII Disorder VIII – Astrid Krehan
惑 IV Confusion IV – Astrid Krehan