"⾃然和冒险是我对抽象艺术的激情和灵感来源,它们可以重现我的想象。我将这本书命名为《⽆限》,因为它的象征联 结着形成和影响我作为艺术家的两个世界。对我来说,∞代表着我在看待和诠释这个世界时永⽆⽌境。"
— Astrid Krehan
"Nature and adventure are my passions and source of inspiration in my abstract art photography, where I recreate what I visualize. I named this book Infinity as its symbol ∞ brings together the two worlds that form and influence me as an artist. For me, it stands for no limitation in how I can see and interpret the world."
— Astrid Krehan
ArtCN诚邀您莅临本周末Astrid Krehan⾸部摄影著作"⽆限"的新书发布现场。艺术家将于10⽉30和10⽉31⽇下午3时⾄5时进⾏现场签售,并与我们共同分享她的抽象艺术之旅。
ArtCN gallery is pleased to launch Astrid Krehan's first book on October 30th and 31st. The artist will be present at the gallery both days from 3 to 5pm to meet with visitors and share some insights about her jour- ney into abstract photography.
新书发布 Book Signing
2020.10.30 Saturday 星期六 15:00 - 17:00
2021.10.31 Sunday 周⽇ 15:00 - 17:00
Bldg.3, N.876 Jiangsu Road, Shanghai